wb 721

Cov khoom

Daim ntawv nqe rau Zoo Zoo 1020 Microgreens Nursery Trays, Yas Hydroponics Tais

Khoom siv:HIPS
Qauv:YB-FT-1, YB-FT-1020, YB-FT-1010
Qhov siab:6 cm, 4 cm, 3.6 cm
Qhov hnyav:100-350 g
Xim:Dub, dawb, ntsuab, xiav, customized
Muaj nuj nqi:Germination Seedling Tais
Delivery Detail:Shipped hauv 7 hnub tom qab them nyiaj
Cov nqe lus them nqi:L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T, Western Union, Nyiaj Gram
Yog tias koj muaj lus nug, thov hu rau peb raws sijhawm

Cov ntaub ntawv khoom


Khoom cim npe

Yog li muab kev yooj yim rau koj thiab ua kom peb lub lag luam loj, peb txawm muaj cov neeg soj ntsuam hauv QC Crew thiab lav koj peb lub tuam txhab zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev daws teeb meem rau Nqe Sheet rau Zoo Zoo 1020 Microgreens Nursery Trays, Yas Hydroponics Tais , Leading trend of this field is our lub hom phiaj tsis tu ncua.Kev muab cov khoom lag luam thiab cov kev daws teeb meem thib 1 yog peb lub hom phiaj.Ua kom lub sijhawm ntev zoo nkauj, peb xav koom tes nrog txhua tus phooj ywg ntawm koj lub tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.Yog tias koj muaj kev txaus siab nyob rau hauv peb cov khoom, nco ntsoov feem ntau tsis txhob yig tiv tauj nrog peb.
Txhawm rau muab koj yooj yim thiab nthuav peb txoj kev lag luam, peb txawm muaj cov neeg soj ntsuam hauv QC Crew thiab lav koj peb lub tuam txhab zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev daws teeb meem rauTuam Tshoj Hydroponic Loj hlob Trays thiab Germination Trays, Peb lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm los ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm "kev ncaj ncees-raws li, kev koom tes tsim, tib neeg taw qhia, yeej-yeej kev koom tes".Peb cia siab tias peb tuaj yeem muaj kev sib raug zoo nrog cov neeg ua lag luam los ntawm thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb.
详情页_03详情页_01详情页_02详情页_04f4 uaYog li muab kev yooj yim rau koj thiab ua kom peb lub lag luam loj, peb txawm muaj cov neeg soj ntsuam hauv QC Crew thiab lav koj peb lub tuam txhab zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev daws teeb meem rau Nqe Sheet rau Zoo Zoo 1020 Microgreens Nursery Trays, Yas Hydroponics Tais , Leading trend of this field is our lub hom phiaj tsis tu ncua.Kev muab cov khoom lag luam thiab cov kev daws teeb meem thib 1 yog peb lub hom phiaj.Ua kom lub sijhawm ntev zoo nkauj, peb xav koom tes nrog txhua tus phooj ywg ntawm koj lub tsev thiab txawv teb chaws.Yog tias koj muaj kev txaus siab nyob rau hauv peb cov khoom, nco ntsoov feem ntau tsis txhob yig tiv tauj nrog peb.
Daim ntawv nqe rauTuam Tshoj Hydroponic Loj hlob Trays thiab Germination Trays, Peb lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm los ntawm kev ua haujlwm ntawm "kev ncaj ncees-raws li, kev koom tes tsim, tib neeg taw qhia, yeej-yeej kev koom tes".Peb cia siab tias peb tuaj yeem muaj kev sib raug zoo nrog cov neeg ua lag luam los ntawm thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb.

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    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb